Three years ago, I started a blog, "Come! Live in the Light," on behalf of the Notre Dame Office of Campus Ministry. It was a huge labor of love for me and one of the most important things I did as an undergrad. It gave me a wonderful opportunity to my own story and to tell the story of my faith. When I graduated, I wrote my last blog post and started my new blog, content to leave this one in tact so that readers could return to it and read old posts if they chose to. It was to be a "pre-quel" of sorts for my new blog. However, unexpectedly, Come Live in the Light got deleted after I graduated.
I've worked to restore the blog articles and remake the aesthetics of it. I've tried my hardest to match the blog dates to the days they were published. I was able to repost the articles, but the pictures, comments, statistics, and some other details could not be reproduced. This blog will remain as a narrative of my life and faith while a student at the University of Notre Dame.
If you'd like to see what I'm currently writing please visit: Wanders in Wonder.