Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Living Your Faith: Corporal Works of Mercy

Between classes and extracurricular activities, service is one of the easiest thing to forget to do. I often find myself thinking, “How do I have time to serve others, when I am so overwhelmed?” But yet, it is in serving others that we are really and truly giving ourselves. So how can we work to serve others and our community more significantly while still being students?

When it comes to service, we can look to the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy for ways to serve others. This week, I will examine how we can live out the Corporal Works and next week I will look at the Spiritual Works.

Feed the Hungry
This work is as simple as it sounds. There are people around the world and in our South Bend community who seek the basic nourishment of food. With our wonderful dining halls, it’s sometimes hard to remember that there are people nearby who are struggling to get a basic meal.
How to Help:
From your dorm room… sign up for the Wednesday Fast through ND’s World Hunger Coalition. Simply dine on flex points for your Wednesday lunch and the money from your meal will go to help others in need. Check your e-mail at the beginning of each semester for more information.

Give Drink to the Thirsty
Clean drinking water is a necessity. In places around the world and in our own back yard, clean drinking water is threatened. “Care for God’s Creation” is a principle of Catholic Social Teaching. Part of our duty as Catholics is to be good stewards of the Earth and an easy way to start is to protect our water supply.
How to Help:
On your laptop… support initiatives to protect clean water and environments across our country by writing to your senators. You can find out more at cleanwateraction.org.

Clothe the Naked
At places like Notre Dame, where online shopping is a common studying distraction, it is easy to forget that many people can’t afford basic clothing, much less those Tori Burch flats you are saving up for. Clothing is basic human dignity that everyone deserves.
How to Help:
Without leaving your residence hall… give away your old clothes. The best news is boxes are located in your residence hall laundry room where you can donate clothes to local charities.

Shelter the Homeless
Homelessness is a devastating condition that unfortunately affects many in the South Bend area. "Hospitality do not forget; for by this some, not being aware of it, have entertained angels" (Hebrews 13:2)
How to Help
In the local community… is the Center for the Homeless. The Notre Dame Circle K Club visits every Tuesday from 4 to 6PM. You can serve a meal and listen to stories from those who are suffering from homelessness in this area.

Visit the Imprisoned
Prison ministry is vital. People in the justice system are often those who get forgotten about most. It is important to reach out to those imprisoned to show them compassion and Christ-like love.
How to Help
Across campus… the CSC is raising awareness for Hyper-Incarceration and a deeper understanding of the flaws in our justice system. Take the opportunity to learn more by attending one of the many events they host on campus this year.

Visit the Sick
We are lucky to go to a school that is reaching out to find cures for some of the most troubling and infectious diseases. From the Ebola epidemic in Western Africa to Elphantitus in Haiti, we are doing awesome things for research.
How to Help
In our campus community… consider donating your time or money to those traveling to other countries to help with aid. Organizations such as Global Medical Brigade, GlobeMed, and Students Fighting Neglected Tropical Diseases work on campus and around the world on campaigns to help some to the most diseased people.

Bury the Dead
In a campus surrounded by cemeteries, it is impossible to forget the dead at Notre Dame. However, it is rare to actually visit the cemeteries and recall the lost lives that are held there.
How to Help
Without leaving campus… leave a flower on the grave at one of the cemeteries or light a candle for a departed soul at the grotto.

Faith is never passive. We have to constantly challenge ourselves to live out what we preach. The good news is that it doesn’t take a lot to make a difference in the lives of others, it is so easy to give of ourselves without leaving campus. But, don’t stop there. Consider immersing yourself in service more by joining a service affiliated club, going on a CSC break seminar, or spending your summer doing an SSLP or ISSLP!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Dearest Sophomores,

“I have a couple papers due soon.”

“I’ve already gone on a retreat this year.”

“I got invited to a really cool game watch, so I don’t know.”

These are all  excuses as to why students have not yet signed up for the Sophomore Road Trip. But I am here to tell you that you are wrong! By not signing up for SRT you are missing out on one of the most unique and exciting experiences that Campus Ministry andNotre Dame has to offer. So in response  to the reasons not to go, here are some reasons you SHOULD.

1.     Adventure. A year ago, I wrote about how Sophomore Road Trip helped lead me to say yes to adventure. [KM1] But it should also go without saying that SRT itself is an adventure. At this point in the year, you’ve found your routine. Your weeks fall into an ordinary pattern. The biggest adventure you’ve had so far is taking the bus to the mall. Now is your chance to shake things up. You will get to do things that you’d never get to do on campus and will rarely get a chance to do off campus either. Last year I went canoeing, climbed a high ropes course, and tried so many new forms of prayer. Who knows what adventures this year’s trip will hold?
2.     Let it Go. This is your chance to give yourself a gift. Very rarely at Notre Dame do you get to let go of all your worries, stress, and obligations. You don’t have worry about orgo lab reports or literature essays. You don’t have to worry about where you going, if you will fit in, or what will happen next. The chance to surrender everything and immerse yourself in the experience is truly freeing. You may never get this opportunity again  at college, so take advantage of a few luxurious days where you can escape from the stress of school and take time to think about your own direction.
3.     Understand. In all honesty, I had some very low moments my sophomore year. There were struggles with school, trouble with friends, and disappointment for many of my dreams for the future. This wasn’t my favorite part of my college experience so far, but these issues were a real part of it, and something we will all experience in one way or another. People make a huge deal out of the transitions and struggles of Freshman year, but the truth is we always make transitions and we are always facing struggles. It doesn’t stop when you are a sophomore, or even a junior (I can attest). SRT won’t give you the answers to the problems you face. But it will give you stories of people who turned their hardships over to God and of people who faced problems not unlike yours. Their stories are ones of hope. It was in my very difficult moments when I made myself remember the witnesses of faith that spoke at SRT and helped me have the courage to hope.
4.     Make Life Changing Relationships. This past weekend, I attended the wedding of my former RA. Where did she meet her husband? Sophomore Road Trip. Obviously, we cant’ promise that you will find your future spouse, but you will create rewarding new friendships. Sophomore year the new friend making craze of freshmen year has died off, yet here is an opportunity to meet people who care about some of the same things you do- faith, fun, and adventure. The friendships I made at SRT have been so great, from the friend behind me in French class, to one of my favorite fellow bloggers, to a friend who helped me find my new Ugandan pen pal.

As someone who has spent the past month working hard to plan your road trip for you- I can say, that this is YOUR chance to say yes to adventure. The leadership team has spent weeks planning for your arrival- we’ve prayed for you, we’ve planned out crazy activities for you, we’ve worked hard to become the best we can be so that you have the best time imaginable. The only thing our wonderful retreat is missing is you. So what’s holding you back? Nope, nothing, your reason is invalid. There is only one Sophomore Road Trip left and you are signing up for it.[KM2] 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Seeing Jesus: Women Mystics

For those of you who regularly read this blog, you know that the role of women in Catholicism is something I spend a lot of time contemplating. One of the things that helps me most in my faith life is studying strong female role models. This week, I’d like to focus on some women I find both fascinating and inspiring: women mystics.

Women mystics are women to whom Jesus has appeared. They are scattered from early times (such as St. Hildegard) to more modern (such as St Faustina[KM1] ). My mom leads retreats that spend time scoping out the lives of these women and I thought it was time to discover their lives for myself. Here are three that I found most in intriguing.[KM2] 

Saint Catherine of Genoa (1447- 1510)

Catherine was forced into an awful marriage at an early age. Her husband was unfaithful, violent, and irresponsible with money. Despite her suffering, she decided to follow her own path and care for the sick of Genoa, Italy. She also took in her husband’s mistress and child when they were in need. Eventually her husband decided to convert and join her in her ministry. She continued to go above and beyond, becoming a manager and treasurer of a hospital. Finally, on her death bed she had visions of Jesus and her experiences were recorded, leading to her eventual saint hood.

Julian of Norwich (1342- 1416)

There is not much known about this woman; in fact they don’t even know her real name, calling her only “Julian” because she lived at the Church of St. Julian[KM3] . When she was 30 years old, she became very ill and was believed to be on her death bed. During this time, Jesus appeared to her in several visions. At the time, people saw God as a figure of wrath, punishing the world with plague and peasant revolts. Julian changed that notion as her vision revealed a more compassionate and peaceful God. The main message she took away from Jesus was the phrase, “All shall be well.”

Saint Catherine of Sienna (1347- 1380)

She experienced visions from an early age and vowed at age 7 to give her life to God. Arranged to marry a man she detested, she started a hunger strike to protest him, winning her freedom to live reclusively. When she was 21 she experienced a “Mystical Marriage” in which Christ gave her a ring of flesh and asked her to go back out into the world and serve others.  She eventually went on to do many things including opening a women’s monastery and advocating for Pope Urban VI during the Western Schism.

It is easy to find lots of modern inspirations for faith, service, and perseverance but it is also easy to forget that we have women who have been leaders of their faith and vessels of God’s love since the beginning of Christianity. These women come to us from the Middle Ages and Renaissance but don’t fail to be as interesting and faithfilled as modern role models.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

7 Day Prayer Challege

I’m a sucker for good hashtags. Lately, one of my favorite trends is for fitness or yoga challenges. Using social media is a great way to keep yourself accountable. A quick tweet about how you are starting the #15dayAbChallege or #30DayYogaChallege means that all your friends know that you are committed to staying in shape (and therefore can bully you if you don’t). It’s also a good way of developing a habit, challenging yourself to do new things, and telling the world what is importantto you.

So on that note, I present my unique challenge for you. The #7DayPrayerChallenge. Starting tonight (Tuesday, September 9th) I am starting my own challenge!

This challenge is an opportunity to take on different forms of prayer for 7 days. My prayer for you is that in 7days you develop a habit of prayer and find some forms of pray that bring you closer to God. Here is your schedule:

Day One (9/9)- Find your phrase. When accepting any challenge, you gotta give yourself a motivational phrase to help yourself power through. So tonight, right now, as you accept this challenge- go look for your phrase. It can be from the bible, from a religious figure/saint, or really anything that will inspire you and give you strength for the next 7 days. To really commit, I suggest tweeting/instagraming/other social media-ing your phrase with the fabulous hashtag #7DayPrayerChallenge and even including the picture above (especially if you instagram it).

Day Two (9/10)- Seek out silence for 30 minutes. At Notre Dame, it is really hard to find time for quiet. Last week, I snagged a desk on the 12th floor of the Hesburg Library and used it to spend time eating my ABP sandwich and reflecting and praying about my experience at ND. It was a great experience and I definitely encourage you to mind a quiet moment, even if you are super busy, seek out the silence.

Day Three (9/11)- Get moving. Active prayer is awesome because it gets your endorphins going which leads to a more joyful prayer experience. My preferred way to do this is through Christian Yoga, but I recommend you find a way that works for you. Don’t forget to tweet about!

Day Four (9/12)- Readall about it. Write down your thoughts, struggles, and petitions in a letter to God. Obviously one of my favorite ways to talk to God and talk about God is through writing. If you like doing this, it might be a great beginning to a journaling prayer practice for you. Or who knows, maybe you’ll want to start a blog too!

Day Five (9/13)- And Repeat. Saying the rosary is one of my favorite ways to pray to Mary and reflect on her amazing life. Take time today to say a rosary! If you aren’t Catholic, try repeating some of your favorite prayers as a way of reflecting. Keep updating social media about your progress this week !

Day Six (9/14)- Spread the Love. Last spring, I challenged myself to 40 Random Acts of Kindness- today, I challenge you to do just one! Give back to others by doing a spontaneous nice thing for someone- pay for someone’s Starbucks, write your favorite quote a sticky note, or leave a gift card in a bathroom.

Day Seven (9/15)- Celebrate. You made it to Day Seven! If you are a member of the Notre Dame community, join me (and my boss Kate Morgan and my co-blogger Katie) for 11:30 AM mass in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. If you complete all 7 days of the challenge, we’ll even treat you to Starbucks following Mass!

That’s right, friends- this challenge ends in free Starbucks! So what’s stopping you! A chance to get closer to God, a chance to challenge yourself to new forms of prayer, a chance to develop a prayer habit, a chance to hang out with me your wonderful blogger, and of course, Free Starbucks! So get ready, get set… #7DayPrayerChallenge

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Summer Camp: Lessons in Love

Last March, I fell into a state of “I-don’t-have-a-summer-job” panic. I decided the best way to remedy this situation, was to apply for 10 summer camps in one week. From tiny day camps to large horse camps, I applied to them all. Eventually I interviewed for the Catholic Youth Organization Girls Camp in Port Sanilac, Michigan. The next day, I went to mass at my home parish and found out that one of my favorite little old ladies at our church had also been a counselor there when she was my age. She shared with me stories about what it was like working there and it seemed more and more like this was where God was calling me to be this summer. A few weeks later, I got offered the job and I accepted right away. After a week of training, I was asked to work an additional two weeks at Camp Ozanam, a nearby camp that allowed underprivileged kids from inner-city Detroit to get a camp experience.

By the time my 6 weeks of working as a camp counselor was done, I had done a lot. I had slept out under the stars 2.5 times. I had cooked out over a fire for a week. I had directed the first the musical that Camp Ozanam had ever seen and taught a weekly dance class at CYO. I had spoken with a British accent for an entire week. I had made enough friendship bracelets, lanyards, and God’s Eyes to never want to see an arts and crafts hut again. I had dealt with campers throwing up and wetting the bed. I even led an overnight canoe trip and camp out along the Black River. It was a summer that was equal parts stress and fun. But as it always seems to happen, as much as I felt that I gave to camp, I felt that camp gave even more back to me. Looking back at my experience this past summer, I realize that camp was really a lesson in love, in really and truly loving like Christ does.

Loving Selflessly-

Just a few minutes into the start of camp, I realized that being a counselor was a job that required many hats- part teacher, part big sister, part bus boy, part cleaning lady, part coach, part paperwork guru. It is not possibly to be so giving and care about yourself at the same time. In order to start caring for your campers, you need to stop caring about yourself. My usual concerns for life- whether my make up looked good, whether I had time to brush my teeth or put on acne cream, whether I had updated social media or finished reading my latest novel- all faded away.  I learned that in order to fully love my campers and make sure they had a fun and safe time at camp, I learned that I needed to let go of all selfishness. Jesus loved us so much that he died for us. The least I can do is sacrifice my own comforts for that of my campers.

Loving Endlessly-

There were lots of campers who were easy to love- the small, sweet little campers who just wanted to hold my hand or the smart older campers who shared the same favorite book as me. There were times when it was easy to love my fellow counselors, when we’d go to the mall together during break or they’d surprise me with ice cream or chicken tenders. But there were times when it was harder to love- when campers were being rude, when a counselor made a brisk remark, or just when I myself was exhausted. But I worked to challenge myself to love anyway. After all, Christ’s love for us never wavers. It doesn’t choose who to love or who not to, Jesus loves everyone.

Love Jesus-

It goes without saying that you can’t be a role model to campers, telling them to live their faith, without trying to live it yourself. I made a special effort this summer to work on my relationship with Christ. I tried to prayer more often and deeper than before. I challenged myself to try lots of new forms of prayer and to talk about these with campers. I also tried to share with my campers- telling them about my struggles and successes in my faith life. I hoped that it would help them be able to listen to God’s call in their lives.

It is hard to communicate the experience I had this summer into a blog post. It was one of the most immersive, trying, and rewarding experiences I have ever had. I am so grateful that I found my way to Port Sanilac this summer. I am grateful for all the smiles from my campers, hugs from my co-counselors, and the ever-beautiful nature I got to see every day. But I am most thankful for my chance to learn to love deeper and richer than ever before.