Between classes and extracurricular activities, service is one of the easiest thing to forget to do. I often find myself thinking, “How do I have time to serve others, when I am so overwhelmed?” But yet, it is in serving others that we are really and truly giving ourselves. So how can we work to serve others and our community more significantly while still being students?
When it comes to service, we can look to the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy for ways to serve others. This week, I will examine how we can live out the Corporal Works and next week I will look at the Spiritual Works.
Feed the Hungry
This work is as simple as it sounds. There are people around the world and in our South Bend community who seek the basic nourishment of food. With our wonderful dining halls, it’s sometimes hard to remember that there are people nearby who are struggling to get a basic meal.
How to Help:
From your dorm room… sign up for the Wednesday Fast through ND’s World Hunger Coalition. Simply dine on flex points for your Wednesday lunch and the money from your meal will go to help others in need. Check your e-mail at the beginning of each semester for more information.
Give Drink to the Thirsty
Clean drinking water is a necessity. In places around the world and in our own back yard, clean drinking water is threatened. “Care for God’s Creation” is a principle of Catholic Social Teaching. Part of our duty as Catholics is to be good stewards of the Earth and an easy way to start is to protect our water supply.
How to Help:
On your laptop… support initiatives to protect clean water and environments across our country by writing to your senators. You can find out more at
Clothe the Naked
At places like Notre Dame, where online shopping is a common studying distraction, it is easy to forget that many people can’t afford basic clothing, much less those Tori Burch flats you are saving up for. Clothing is basic human dignity that everyone deserves.
How to Help:
Without leaving your residence hall… give away your old clothes. The best news is boxes are located in your residence hall laundry room where you can donate clothes to local charities.
Shelter the Homeless
Homelessness is a devastating condition that unfortunately affects many in the South Bend area. "Hospitality do not forget; for by this some, not being aware of it, have entertained angels" (Hebrews 13:2)
How to Help
In the local community… is the Center for the Homeless. The Notre Dame Circle K Club visits every Tuesday from 4 to 6PM. You can serve a meal and listen to stories from those who are suffering from homelessness in this area.
Visit the Imprisoned
Prison ministry is vital. People in the justice system are often those who get forgotten about most. It is important to reach out to those imprisoned to show them compassion and Christ-like love.
How to Help
Across campus… the CSC is raising awareness for Hyper-Incarceration and a deeper understanding of the flaws in our justice system. Take the opportunity to learn more by attending one of the many events they host on campus this year.
Visit the Sick
We are lucky to go to a school that is reaching out to find cures for some of the most troubling and infectious diseases. From the Ebola epidemic in Western Africa to Elphantitus in Haiti, we are doing awesome things for research.
How to Help
In our campus community… consider donating your time or money to those traveling to other countries to help with aid. Organizations such as Global Medical Brigade, GlobeMed, and Students Fighting Neglected Tropical Diseases work on campus and around the world on campaigns to help some to the most diseased people.
Bury the Dead
In a campus surrounded by cemeteries, it is impossible to forget the dead at Notre Dame. However, it is rare to actually visit the cemeteries and recall the lost lives that are held there.
How to Help
Without leaving campus… leave a flower on the grave at one of the cemeteries or light a candle for a departed soul at the grotto.
Faith is never passive. We have to constantly challenge ourselves to live out what we preach. The good news is that it doesn’t take a lot to make a difference in the lives of others, it is so easy to give of ourselves without leaving campus. But, don’t stop there. Consider immersing yourself in service more by joining a service affiliated club, going on a CSC break seminar, or spending your summer doing an SSLP or ISSLP!
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