Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Faith Lessons from ND History

Our campus is a picturesque place, constantly rated one of the most beautiful campuses in the country. What many don’t realize is that behind the striking old buildings and stunning landscaping is a rich history. As our university’s history is tied very closely to that of the Holy Cross priests who founded it, we can learn a great deal by taking the time to listen and reflect on their stories.

The Log Chapel
When Father Sorin reached the land he declared as our campus, he created a log cabin chapel to serve all the needs of the new students of the university. The cabin was their chapel, but also their classroom, dining hall, and dormitory. All of the sprawling resources we find across campus were stuffed into their tiny cabin. After classes, students would drag the lake for clay and would make bricks to begin building the actual buildings for their university. Imagine finishing all your academic work and then spending several more hours making bricks!
Lesson Learned: Simplicity. We have so much on campus, from our gigantic stadium to our state of the art science labs. When we think back to this university’s origins, they weren’t ones of excess, but ones of simple beginnings and lots and lots of hard work.

Father Corby’s Statue
Notre Dame was a significant spot during the Civil War. South Bend was one of the very last stops on the Underground Railroad as it was so close to Michigan. Many nearby homes housed runaway slaves. During the Civil War, Father Corby felt very strongly about the North winning. He took a group of students to fight in the Battle of Gettysburg. After the battle was finished, he forgave everyone for the atrocities committed on the battlefield.
Lesson Learned: Forgiveness. It would not have been easy for a priest to watch devastating and horrific battle even if it was for a cause he believed in. In offering forgiveness to those young men, he was truly living out his vocation.

The Main Building
The most notable building on our campus is not without hardship. In April 23, 1879, the building burnt down. It was a devastating fire that also destroyed the music building and infirmary. However, Father Sorin did not give up after this disaster. He delivered one of the most famous speeches in Notre Dame history. He declared that we would be even bigger and even better than before. 
Lesson Learned: Perseverance. Throughout our faith lives we will hit roadblocks and difficult moments. There will be disasters and we will feel like our whole lives are “in flames.” Yet, we are called to rebuild bigger and better.

Take a break from midterms this week to reflect on not just the beauty of the places on campus, but on the rich stories behind them. This month is the bicentennial tribute to Father Sorin, so there are many opportunities to reflect on the beginnings of our university and his role in it.  

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