Tuesday, September 15, 2015

I Hate Christian Music

Okay. Confession time. For someone who has been writing a spiritual blog for over two years now, I have to admit that I actually can’t stand Contemporary Christian music. That probably sounds weird. I’m in a liturgical choir, so I obviously spend a long time singing about faith through music and I love the way that liturgical music serves a ministry, a way to share my passions with others. However, to me, that is so different from  the music I listen to when I need a quiet moment of prayer, reflection, or mediation.

Over the summer, mostly due to my new subscription to Spotify Premium, I got a little obsessed with making playlists. As I poured through new music, I continuously found myself discovering songs that weren’t “Christian,” but still spoke so strongly to the wonder, acceptance, and unconditional love that is part of being a person of faith. God is love, so when we sing of love, we are always in a way, singing about the one who is beyond understanding, yet abounding in love. I worked to put together a playlist of songs that inspire and challenge me, that really crystalize that pure love. Some of these songs have a message that is more obviously spiritual, but others inspire me in a single line or idea. Most of my music taste tends to be the acoustic, coffee house-esque genre. Here goes:


Glory Days by Roo Panes- This song to me is a perfect song for discussing travel, pilgrimage, and our own journeys. God is always leading us to the places we are meant to be, though it might mean us leaving behind what makes us comfortable.

Unpack Your Heart by Philip Philips- This song is all about coming as you are, which is perfect because God is always calling us to be simply ourselves, accepting us for both our strengths and weaknesses, our talents and our flaws.

Bonfire Heart by James Blunt- “People like us, we don’t need that much, just someone to start, start the spark in our bonfire hearts.” We all have this capacity to love that is enormous, we just need God’s love to start it on fire.

Simple Song by The Shins- The last line of this song is beautiful: “Love is such a delicate thing that we do with nothing to prove.” This lyric always reminds me of the way we are called to love selflessly and without agenda.

Indigo Home by Roo Panes- I quoted this song in my blog last week because the message of this song is so beautiful and simple: “If you give love, and live love, you’ll always have a home.” Nothing sums up our call as people of faith like this.

Sanctuary by Paradise Fears- I heard this song for the first time last year while on Appalachia[KM1] . To me it really seemed to symbolize what it means to be part of the body of the church, a “united mass of harmony,” that is there to help each other through each difficult moment and is made of pure acceptance.

Orange Sky by Alexi Murdoch- This song has a more obvious connection to faith. “My salvation lies in your love,” is the chorus of the song, which seems to be a perfect fit for Christ’s love for us. This song is also so peaceful, so it is a prime choice for meditation.

Only Love by Mumford and Sons- “Only love will win in the end,” is the main line of this song. It talks about how in moments of loneliness and friendlessness, love always wins out. Isn’t that what God’s love is about? Delivering us from painful moments and into peace.

Different Child by Roo Panes- This song is a perfect closing song. In fact, when I’m a teacher I want to play this on the last day of school. It is a song about transformation, just like how we are always called to be transformed by God’s healing love.

I love these songs because they inspire and challenge me to be a better person of faith. I love that they are ordinary songs, but they become extraordinary by looking at them through a new lens. There is something so exciting about finding God in unexpected places- such as in the regular music you listen to every day.

But the truth is, each of us have music that helps us to pray deepest. For some, like my friend Katie, contemporary Christian music is what helps spark her faith life. Others pray best to wordless music, while even some need silence to really hear God’s voice. Finding music that helps you pray is personal to everyone, so take time to experiment and find what works best for you.

Have any favorite prayer songs? Regardless of style and genre, share them in the comments below.

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