Tuesday, April 29, 2014

5 Questions with Sister Mary Lynch, SSJ

How often do we live with people in our dorms, walk by them, and not know their stories? This week, I decided to explore the story of McGlinn’s rectress, Sister Mary Lynch, SSJ.

Sister Mary worked as a campus minister, a high school theology teacher, and a Formation Director for the Mount St Joseph Convent in Philadelphia before coming to Notre Dame. She has now been the rectress of McGlinn for the past 9 nine years and continuously gives back to her residents in many different ways. Here is just a bit of her story in her words:

How to did you discern your calling to become a nun?

I had a sense that I was being called to religious life. It is not easy to put it into words. I tried not to think about it and it kept coming back.

How did you decide what order to join?

I had the Sisters of St. Joseph in grade school and I have two aunts in the community. Also, the charism spoke to me and I felt that it resonated with my desire to live.

What was your story in terms of coming to Notre Dame?

I was doing internal ministry for the congregation. It was no longer needed so I decided to look for another ministry. I had thought of the rector position two other times in my life but those times were not the right time for me to pursue this ministry.

What is your favorite part of being at Notre Dame? 

Working with students and walking with them through these four years of great growth and maturity.

What is your least favorite part?

The administrative parts of the rector role.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Guide to Holy Week on Campus

Holy Week has come to Notre Dame. Whether you plan to spend the weekend on campus or at home, this week is an important time to pray and prepare for the death and resurrection of Christ.

Holy Week at ND is definitely something that students should try immerse themselves in at some point during their time here. The choirs rehearse all week, creating truly awesome music. The Basilica itself is a beautiful place to pray and reflect. There are few places you can have such a rich Holy Week experience as you can here, so take advantage of it in any way you can.

If you plan to stay on campus this year, here are a few tips to help you navigate the various Basilica liturgies.

1-    Come Early- like really early. No matter who you ask, you will always hear the same thing- getting to the Basilica early is necessary for getting a seat. The estimated times are: Holy Thursday Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper- 1 to 2 hours early; Tenebrae- At least 1 hour early; Good Friday Celebration of the Lord’s Passion - 1 to 2 hours early; Good Friday Stations of the Cross- 45 minutes early; Saturday Easter Vigil- 2 to 3 hours early[K1] . Make it your priority to get to each service early or you may risk missing it all together. If you have a large group, make sure to come even earlier to make sure you have enough seats. As a general rule, saving seats is frowned upon.
2-    Know the Schedule. With so many events going on for Holy Week, it is important to know when each event starts. The Campus Ministry website has a convenient schedule for the week[K2] . You might want to consider printing it off, deciding what services you want to go to and how early you wish to arrive for them.
3-    Confession Time. As Catholics, it’s recommended that you go to Confession once a year, usually before Easter. Luckily, Notre Dame makes it really easy to get that confession in this week as they offer reconciliation several times a day. See the website for a full schedule [K3] or check out the cards available in dorms that include an  Examination of Conscious along with confession times.
4-    Eat. One recommendation I received from several people was to definitely enjoy the food this weekend. The Dining Hall offers an Easter Buffet, which is very delicious. For a full menu, see the food service website[K4] . There is also an unofficial student tradition of going to Steak and Shake with friends after the Easter Vigil (and drinking a shake if you gave up sweets for Lent)/
5-    Enjoy the Experience. Notre Dame’s Holy Week gives you so many opportunities to really make the most of this important time of the liturgical year. In addition to the masses, there are morning prayer services (Thursday, Friday, Saturday at 9 a.m.) and Sunday Night Vespers (at 7:15 p.m.). There are also several opportunities unique for students, such as the Campus Wide Stations of the Cross (Tuesday night 8 p.m. at the Grotto) and Student Easter Mass (Sunday 9p.m. Basilica).

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Letter to my Sister on her Confirmation

As your sponsor, I’ve been trying to think of a way to talk to you about Confirmation and everything you have to be excited about in becoming a full member of the Catholic Church. It’s easy to talk about these things to people who say prayers daily, never miss Sunday mass, and have lists of their favorite saints. But you, alas, are not that Confirmandi (though let’s face it- we know our mom was).

You often tell us that you aren’t sure God exists, though you often tell us about how you see signs of God in your life. You talk about how you see God answering your prayers. You often drag your feet when we go to mass as a family, yet you go to confession more than anyone else in our family. You complain about doing service hours, yet you always step up to serve- whether at your school or in the community. You have so much anger toward God, but in many ways you have the beginning of a rich relationship with God too.

You are full of passion and fire for the things you care about. You are never afraid to stand up for the things you believe in. I was talking to your catechist today, and he beamed when he told me about how you taught the class to always remember not to refer to God as “he.” I think you often worry that being a person of faith will stop you from being the strong woman you are. What you don’t see is that you can be both. You can take your thirst for justice and equality and channel it into your faith. There are so many women of faith who are able to make a huge difference in the world (link). God is always calling you to take your talents, your strengths, and passions and use them to help other. You just need to listen to God and find your call!

I can’t promise that I will always be a perfect model of faith, but I’m so happy you picked me to be your sponsor. I can, however, promise that I will always be there for you- if you have questions about God and faith, if you want someone to pray with you, or even just to listen to you. So on this very happy and blessed occasion, I encourage you to recognize that this is the start of your new grown up faith life. A chance to show the world how you can live your faith in your own way.


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Journeys of Love and Acceptance: LGBT Retreat

In 1998, students who wanted to take part in Campus Ministry’s LGBT retreat took an application from a secret drawer, separate from the wall of applications for the other retreats. The retreat itself was held in a hotel off campus Retreat talks focused mainly on finding the courage to “come out” and on finding a life within the church. And, after the retreat, follow-up discussions and reunions were also held off campus. Everything was done so that students could keep their sexuality a secret.

“It was a different place in society and acceptance,” said Tami Schmitz, Campus Ministry’s Director of Undergraduate Ministry who once worked on the LGBT retreat. Over time “straight” allies were invited to come on the retreat as well, which Schmitz said made it a happier experience, as students were joined by their friends, RAs, and other supporters. Eventually though, the core of student leaders who supported and lead the retreat graduated, and the retreat was no longer offered. “Not because Campus Ministry didn’t want it, but because it ran its course,” Schmitz explained.

Since then, Notre Dame has experienced changes that have helped grow the university in the areas of equality and inclusion. The creation of a full-time Gender Relations Center, the changes to the inclusion clause, and the creation of the “Beloved Friends and Allies” plan,which prompted the creation of PrismND, have all made it possible for the LGBT retreat to return to Notre Dame.

This spring, PrismND in partnership with Campus Ministry and Gender Relations, is offering a new and improved LGBT retreat. Gone is the secret off-campus location and the hidden application forms. Just like ND’s many other retreats, this year’s LGBT retreat will be housed at Sacred Heart Parish Center and the application is available online. It is entirely student lead and has been organized by Stephen Fisher with help from Prism’s Spiritual Committee and Campus Ministry’s Pastoral Care and Outreach Coordinator Ed Mack.

“As PrismND develops the retreat, we draw upon our past experiences with the Freshman Retreat, Senior Retreat, Latino Freshman Retreat, Asian/Asian American Retreats, and the Silent Retreat, as well as our experiences with spiritual direction and Campus Ministry’s interfaith resources,” Fisher said. “At the same time, we have tailored this retreat to serve and respect a diverse LGBT community with a variety of experiences regarding faith, spirituality, and sexuality, including those that are Catholic and non-Catholic. I cannot predict how the manifold influences on the retreat or the insights shared by the retreatants will shape the conversation on LGBTQ issues, but with certainty I can say it will provide for a intellectual, spiritual, and social experience.”

Fisher is full of enthusiasm for the retreat. “Others and I are excited because it’s Notre Dame’s mission to nurture an inclusive campus for every individual student. Recognizing that the current campus climate for LGBTQ students presents its unique strengths and challenges, PrismND’s Spirituality Committee first met to ask ourselves how we could contribute to this mission. We made a choice to create a retreat where LGBT students could come to reflect and rest, and begin to share their questions and experiences with faith, spirituality, sexuality, and gender identity. To accomplish this in the context of community--we hope-- will foster a deeper sense of fellowship among LGBT students at Notre Dame. To see that unfold will be priceless,” Fisher said.

The retreat will include talks by four student speakers, unique prayer experience, and time to reflect and socialize with new friends. It is open to all students at Notre Dame, St Mary’s, and Holy Cross, but it is primarily geared toward students who identify as LGBTQ.